Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Oh the stresses of starting a new job...

I got flown out to VA to attempt to learn more about the ins and outs of my new job as being a "virtual assistant" for Ryan's dad. I got LOTS of printouts i have to look over and figure out where the go in my nice little neatly organized binder. These time changes have killed me so I've just totally been exhausted. First I lose 2hrs then I gain 1hr... you think the gaining would have helped but it definitely hasn't helped anything with my time. To make matters worse, when I get home tomorrow probably around 11:30pm, I have a 7:40AM doctor appointment. on wednesday. That's not gonna be very fun and I probably will be half asleep driving to the appointment. This trip has been strictly business and just shadowing Bob everyday nice and early. I'm love visiting VA but I am definitely looking forward to going home to see my loves: Addie Mae & Ryan :) then 6 days later, I get to go to MI for 2weeks which I am DEFINITELY looking forward to NOT having a specific agenda and just relaxing. I need to start going to the gym and lose 20lbs. Not gonna be fun but I have to do it. I am excited to get my new tattoo when I go home then see my college friends (heather tyler andrew brian) and then of course seeing my best friend in the whole wide world kelly! Today I didn't do anything for work. I felt sick and like i was going to throw up so I spent the whole day (for the most part) in bed... Just wasn't feeling well AT ALL. I did get to see the twins/baby juliet/marie. It was fun... they haven't taken the halloween costumes off since halloween happened. Wonder what goes on in a 3yr old mind...in a 7month old mind, they like to just roll around and pose on the floor and it's quite cute! Well I'm out for now, hopefully you people who read this consider this a happier post than my last few I have done. This is the first time I'm actually trying to write a blog. I'll probably write a blog when I get to the airport tomorrow because I think i read there was free wifi or I just might pay the $5 or something since I'll be there 2hrs before.

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