Monday, December 5, 2011

Everyone enters your life for a reason.... why though?

Let's see, where do I begin? I took a 2 week vacation to MI because I never get to really see anyone or spend any time with people the last few times I went home. My first week home was good. Hung out with mom, relaxed, and just hung out with people who actually mean something to me. Thanksgiving was fine, nothing special. The day before Thanksgiving was awesome. It was Linz bday and it felt good to get out of the house and just go out and not care about anything. Went to the post and we all realized we weren't really into that scene except to make fun of the people at the bar. We now (ive known for me) realize we are old enough to be those people who sit at the bar and just chat it up with the bartender :) I also didn't have my license for a few days at home because I lost if at the Denver airport... that's how my vacation actually started. Couple days into week 1, I got together with Sarah Swazey, Jenna Lemorie, Danielle Riddle and Elissa Tamm to visit jill on her anniversary. it felt really nice to just go there with them and share memories or just talk about our lives. Anyway, week 2 absolutely sucked. Couple situations to throw out there, not mentioning names:

Situation 1: been friends for awhile.... years and i get a text ending a friendship (basically) which pissed me off

Situation 2: GROW SOME BALLS OF YOUR OWN. Started out a morning with some "psycho bitch" (as her bf calls her... for real) telling me that she was gonna beat my ass if she saw me in person. I simply replied with "you're bf calls you a "psycho bitch", glad you just proved your point. don't contact me again." then I went on FB and blocked her from anything important visible on my FB and i reported her for harassment for 2 different accounts. Now try fucking with me bitch...

Situation 3: Having a good day at the bar, meeting up with Dez & Todd for happy house and catching up with them (as well as Linz and her sister Lauren for a bit) I made a phone call and got news I didn't want to hear or get the news that specific way. Ended up having 2 panic attacks and just becoming severely manic and out of control

Situation 4: Ok, things happened in the past. I'm not hooking up with you. I'm in a serious relationship. Why did you pay attention to where I live considering you live here too.... actually in Aspen so far but point of story, we can be friends, we can grab drinks when you're in town... end  of story

Situation 5: ex boyfriend enters your life. Granted, when we were together we weren't in good places in our lives. things were said and we didn't talk for awhile. then once you reached out to me and apologized, we were cool. i have no problem being friends with people if they apologize (if it's needed in the situation), own up to what happened and will take time to be friends with you. Well kinda caught me off surprise when you contacted me (which don't get me wrong, i do enjoy it) and made me laugh and just had fun. You apologized too much. I understand what happened after it happened. We will never have a romantic situation (even though you're in love with me) because I am very happy in my relationship. I cherish our friendship and hopefully we'll be able to meet up sometime in the future and just go out for a good time.

Clearly, my 2nd week was full of ups and downs but mostly down. My last night in town i found out one of my best friends in college actually lived by me and NOT where I thought he did lol. We talked about memories and laughed about them. Me, Andrew & Jordan just had an awesome time just talking and us filling her in on memories that were crazy. My mom came up which made it even more fun. People see where I get so much of me from (andrew noticed) my mom... Now that she's met Andrew, she wishes he was about 40yrs older and wants him to marry KT. Andrew and I came to the conclusion (which we never thought of back then), that we dated on and off in college, just never made anything official. I guess you get wiser as you get older? It was awesome just having the whole day of happy hour with people that you love. I also helped him which I've been trying to help him for over a year now to get over or understand his ex and what happened. he has finally after a year of chatting and me playing therapist, he understands that he did nothing wrong (first step of healing!) and now he just has to get past the whole forgetting the person deal (which i have to break to him, you may never be able to forget someone for specific reasons.) It was a great way of ending my vacation, spending time with those 3 people on my last day.

I think next time I take a vacation, I'm not going for as long. Depending on where you go, sometimes 2wks is too long. I learned basically none of the girls talk to each other which is sad because all of us were such a support system to each other. I didn't get to see Julie or Jenny because our schedules clashed. Everyone's either working or in school (some of them, both) when I was home. Well, that about wraps up my vacation!

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